понедельник, 25 марта 2013 г.

Aboriginal Worldviews and Education

This week this MOOC comes to its end. I think I will not have time to do the last Quiz, because I took part at two MOOCs at the same time, and the second (Know Thyself) is more interesting for me now, and I would like to finish it with getting a certificate.

The biggest problem with both EDC MOOC and Aboriginal Worldviews was for me, that they were too short. Four weeks aren’t enough for me to study something. Just when I start to feel connected with course’s topics and materials it comes to it’s end. And I think also, that both courses was overloaded with information, as for me. I would prefer to have same amount of information in 5 or 6 weeks. It is not about lack of time to watch all lectures and videos. It is about lack of time to discuss all what I want to discuss, to think about all this materials we get. Actually, I don’t want to sit at Coursera forums through all day. So I would like to have less materials for each week do discuss them deeper.

Studying Aboriginal Worldviews and Education was very productive for me, and I got some interesting ideas. Maybe I will write some of Activities this week, even they wouldn’t be counted for my grade already.

via WordPress http://7yukari7.wordpress.com/2013/03/25/aboriginal-worldviews-and-education-2/

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